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Cris Delara, defines herself, artistically, as a self-taught, independent, versatile artist.

However, she studied, since very young, at the age of nine years old, in different private art courses and in art studios oil painting, illustration/drawing, charcoal, graphic design techniques, principles of animation, etc.

She didn’t follow a career in arts at the university; actually, she graduated as bachelor’s in business and Administration, but by fate or irony few years after working in that area, she decided that being an artist was her call.

With just a few artistic experiences but a lot of perseverance, she then worked in several different areas for the next years as:

  • An intern in a traditional 2D animation studio

  • Graphic designer in an advertising agency

  • Matte painting artist for a broadcast TV network

  • Animator for websites

  • Caricaturist and portraitist for newspapers

  • Free-lancer illustrator for magazines

  • Teacher (character design course) for the game designer program in Universities

  • Digital painting contributor for magazines and websites, such as Imagine FX, etc.

  • Online instructor in courses for digital painting, such as CG Society

  • She has several articles published in 3d/digital painting magazines and websites

  • She has several entries/awards on special editions catalogs for digital painting, such as Exotique, Exposé, etc.

  • She worked as an illustrator/character designer for companies and game studios such as Sony PlayStation Network, Mattel, Hasbro, Fantasy Flight Games, Idle Games, DeNaCo, etc.

  • At least, but not at last, since 2010 Cris has been working regularly in the Publishing and Advertising industry doing covers for books, designing characters for licensing companies (plush toys, dolls, action figures, etc.)

  • She worked as a colorist, penciler/inker for comic book publishers and she has more than 35 comic book covers published among, Zenescope Entertainment, IDW, Aspen, Valiant, and other small/independent publishers.

Fortunately, even with a busy schedule, during all those years working in the industry, Cris always had time to get commissioned works from private collectors and fans regarding Fan Art subjects and Portraits.

Since 2017, however, Cris has been dedicating more time to her old dream project that is to create her own series of conceptual portraits using her favorite media: charcoal, oil, and acrylics.


With that, she intends to “reboot” her career and to make a transition to work focused on classical and conceptual portraiture.

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